Cat Behaviour Research

The University has conducted many studies into the behaviour of cats. Some of these studies have required cats to attend the University, but many are done via questionnaires, or home-videos sent in by volunteers. 

Our studies are listed below, with links to access the full paper.

Pain and Problem Behavior in Cats and Dogs, 2020

Authors: Daniel Mills, Isabelle Demontigny-Bédard, Margaret Gruen, Mary Klinck, Kevin McPeak, Ana Maria Barcelos, Lynn Hewison, Himara Van Haevermaet, Sagi Denenberg, Hagar Hauser, Colleen Koch, Kelly Ballantyne, Colleen Wilson, Chirantana V Mathkari, Julia Pounder, Elena Garcia, Patrícia Darde, Jaume Fatjó and Emily Levine

Geometric morphometrics for the study of facial expressions in non-human animals, using the domestic cat as an exemplar, 2019

Authors: Lauren Finka, Stelio Luna, Juliana Brondani, Yorgos Tzimiropoulos, John McDonagh, Mark Farnworth, Marcello Ruta and Daniel Mills 

Owner personality and the wellbeing of their cats share parallels with the parent-child relationship, 2019

Authors: Lauren Finka, Joanna Ward, Mark Farnworth and Daniel Mills 

Domestic cats do not show signs of secure attachment to their owners, 2015

Authors: Alice Potter and Daniel Mills

To see a video of Professor Daniel Mills talking in more detail about the attachment study, click here


Pets Can Do

  • University of Lincoln
    Minster House
    Lincoln, LN6 7DL