Horses – Behaviour and Welfare Research

The University has conducted many studies which looks into the behaviour and welfare of horses. Most of the research has looked at work on repetitive behaviour problems (stable vices) and developed both the use of mirrors for weaving and helped Feedmark develop ‘Settelex’ for cribbing.

Our studies are listed below, with links to access the full paper.

Mind your language! Lessons from the application of an English published version of a Japanese horse personality questionnaire to a French population, 2024

Authors: Claire Ricci-Bonot, Teresa Romero, Christine Nicol and Daniel Mills 

An inconsistent social buffering effect from a static visual substitute in horses (Equus caballus): a pilot study, 2023

Authors: Claire Ricci-Bonot, Teresa Romero, Christine Nicol and Daniel Mills 

Recognising the facial expression of frustration in the horse, 2023

Authors: Claire Ricci-Bonot and Daniel Mills 

Social buffering in horses is influenced by context but not by the familiarity and habituation of a companion, 2021

Authors: Claire Ricci-Bonot, Teresa Romero, Christine Nicol and Daniel Mills

Social learning in horses: The effect of using a group leader demonstrator on the performance of familiar conspecifics in a detour task, 2018

Authors: Anna McVey, Anna Wilkinson and Daniel Mills

The effect of a neighbouring conspecific versus the use of a mirror for the control of stereotypic weaving behaviour in the stabled horse, 2016

Author: Daniel Mills

Horses’ responses to variation in human approach, 2011

Authors: Lynda Birke, Jo Hockenhull, Emma Creighton, Lisa Pinno, Jenny Mee and Daniel Mills

Pets Can Do

  • University of Lincoln
    Minster House
    Lincoln, LN6 7DL